Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Hello hello ...

It's been a while for sure, but Uni has been keeping me friggin' busy.
Well the worst part is over for now, but I caught some shit ass virus as it seems and I'm kinda out cold for a few hours each day since last Wednesday. Not cool in the last week of the semester, which is STUFFED with tests and whatnot.
Not to mention the two at least 30 pages theses I have to write and I haven't even checked for litarature on it ... lol.

Other than that?
I finished my application for my exchange year. Kinda not really in the mood to write about that right now tbh.


And lately my best friend's really pissing me off. She tries so hard to make Japanese guys fall for her and she always takes the BIGGEST JERKS. I always have my 'I told you' moments after we Skyped ...
At least that's how I feel about it. You know. She doesn't have much money to spent, but still she's everyday out and going Karaoke, drinking etc, which isn't exactly cheap in Japan ...
Well whatever.

I'm gonna go sleep.
So long and take care.

Freitag, 26. November 2010

Why hi there~

Couldn't sleep the whole fucking night again, so I learned for my test on friday ... Japanese history.
Well just a part of it actually - the Meiji era and changes that happened during that time in particular.

Kinda interesting, but too much to learn ... how did I manage last semester for the Edo era? O_o ... oh yeah. Failed. Remember xD
Buuut then I pulled an all nighter right before the second exam date and made it through <3

Sooo ... urrrrm. I FINALLY got a new phone :3
And I lurff it so effing much!

So I wrote that post like two days ago and didn't post it - god knows why.
However so much happened the last days ... I'm overly excited!

Like I got my Vivienne Westwood Sunglasses yesterday and met an really old friend of mine <333

But the best:
I just went to sleep earlier, cause I was totally drained and figured I should sleep as much as a can before the test. But go figure - I couldn't sleep more than a few hours, since my throat started to hurt like crazy. So I'd get up and roam through my cupboard with the meds and didn't found anything I could use besides Lemsip and got really pissed, when I checked Facebook to ramble and one of my classmates asked, if I checked my mails before bed.
So I checked them and guess what!

I'll be in Osaka, which means lot's of Osaka ben I really love, but no Akiba T____T
Sad sad ... anyways. At least I'm there =D


Samstag, 20. November 2010

Of pralines and pesto~

Okay Thursdays bento consisted ooooof - tadaaaaaaah - wild salmon steaks with a green pesto crust, accompanied by wild rice.
I even have pictures this time, though it doesn't look as yummy as it was :/

Not too good looking ~,~

Close up of some sorts ... still not that yummy looking xD

In between snacks for classes, puff pastry filled with smoked salmon and ham <3

And because I'm an awesome kiddo, I tried to make pralines yesterday~
But my first try outs didn't get any filling, still they're delicous and I'll surely gonna make mooooooar! :B

In all their enormous glory xD

Close up (cause I found the macro function to be very appealing~)


That's all!
Bed time nao =D

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

These boots are made for walking ...

... and I want them *_____*

Should I buy them? Cause they ARE without a doubt a tad too girly for me actually, but hey ... once in a while ... maybe? =D

Sonntag, 14. November 2010


Should I get an account?

We'll see ... I need to get a new phone first anyway >>


I should really start doing something against this ... srsly.

Well, at least I was productive in some way or another and did my work sheet for that one class on wednesday ... and it was as crappy as reading Donna Haraway's text about Cyborgs, because it's actually based on it.
Plus it's effing theoretical and not to mention in Japanese. Woho. Though the Japanese wasn't that bad to be honest, but well ... sucked none the less.

Yes. Uhm.
Driving lesson next Monday. Do not want. No no. I'm still afraid of getting in a damn car and shit ... I know, I'm acting like a shitty brat, but leave me! I'm afraid of driving, what should I do? >_>'''
*kicks her damn driving teacher in the ass*

Oh my sister came over yesterday and I made her eat the left over muffins from the night before and then I tried a friends casserole recipe, but it didn't turn out that well :/
I guess it was, because I kinda fucked up the souce, since I was one the phone meanwhile ... meeh. But it's still eatable.

And I kinda deceided to sell my J-Rock/Visual Kei stuff and some clothes, cause I hardly listen to them/wear them anymore so yeah ... it would be a pity to just let them collect dust in my cupboards.

Okay and now I'll try to be reasonable and go to bed ... it's past 6 am anyway =,=v

Samstag, 13. November 2010


I need a new phone!

I REALLY NEED A NEW ONE ... so baaaaaaaad TT_______TT
That's so NOT fair ... like srsly ....

And I'm tired like shit.

Also there are so many specialized texts I still need to read ... fun. NOT.

Tired. Yes ... and that's why I'm going to bed now.

Oh and I'll hereby promise to take pictures of every damn thing I'm baking/cooking/whatever! :3

Nighty night~~